How To Minimize the Appearance of Piercing Scars - Dr. Piercing Aftercare

How To Minimize the Appearance of Piercing Scars

Can you get piercing scars? The answer is yes. Sometimes piercings are done smoothly, but there are times when they can leave you with awful-looking scars. Facial piercings that get infected almost always leave you with visible scars. Let’s check out some of the most common scars and what you can do about them.


How to Reduce the Visibility of Piercing Scars

#1 Hypertrophic Scars

Another term for hypertrophic scars is hypergranulation tissue. This type of scarring consists of excessive skin tissues that accumulate around the piercing as it heals.

The overproduction of collagen causes scarring due to too much movement, like when you twist and turn your jewelry. This scar shares similar characteristics with keloid scars, but they are less severe, unlike keloids. Don’t worry, as this scar does not need medical attention.

What can you do about them? Since these scars develop during the healing process, they will eventually flatten and go away even without treatment. However, this only happens if the infection is not present.

If there is an infection, you must do whatever it takes to lessen the scar. You can do silicone scar treatment therapy. Silicone can come in different forms like patches or gels to help flatten the raised scar.

#2 Keloid Scars

It can be difficult to differentiate between a hypertrophic and keloid scar. Dermatologists suggest you observe the color and size. Keloid scars are more prominent and darker in color.

A keloid scar is brownish compared to a flesh-colored hypertrophic scar. Keloids look more rounded than hypertrophic scars. But, just like hypertrophic scars, they develop as a result of excessive collagen production during the healing period. While hypertrophic scars do not require treatment, keloids do.

How do you treat keloids? You don’t treat them yourself; you need to see a professional so that it doesn’t worsen. Usually, dermatologists use the freezing method, steroid injections, laser therapy, or in more severe cases, surgery to treat keloids.

Keloid formation is hereditary, so if you have family members who are keloid formers, we suggest you avoid piercings.

#3 Atrophic Scars

You’ll notice atrophic scars when you take out your piercings. The scar will look like a tiny wound or a mark on your skin. Unfortunately, it doesn’t disappear, and it may even become shallower as years go by.

It happens because when you pierce your skin, you’re altering its structure, depriving that spot of tissue regeneration. Just like keloids and hypertrophic scars, the cause of atrophic scars is collagen overproduction. Because of its small size, people often mistake it for an acne scar.

How do you deal with atrophic scars? Dermatologists suggest you use jojoba oil or silicone to minimize atrophic scars. Applying these for months can improve the texture of your face.

Other Methods

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are insanely popular in beauty clinics and spas. It’s a cosmetic procedure that aims to rid your face of damaged skin.

Although there isn’t enough evidence that shows it can significantly improve the appearance of facial piercing scars, chemical peels are effective in reducing acne scars.

So, it’s safe to use on atrophic scars since they share the same physical characteristics as acne scars.


Another popular skin rejuvenation procedure is microneedling. Microneedling has made rounds on the Internet because of its effectiveness in treating a wide range of skin disorders like burn scars, wrinkles, and acne scars. It doesn’t hurt to try.



Piercing scars can develop if the piercings get infected. The best way to protect your piercing against irritation and infection is to clean it two to three times every day, depending on what your piercer recommends. If you're looking for a safe product to clean your piercings, Dr. Piercing Aftercare can help.

At Dr. Piercing Aftercare, we've developed convenient medicated swabs that you can use to clean your piercings and keep infection away. We are proud of our products. They are made and tested in a cGMP compliant and FDA-registered facility in America.

We use advanced technology on our swabs for easy application. Each pack contains thirty-six medicated swabs that are proven and tested to promote your body's natural healing process while preventing infection. Contact us today, or check out our website to learn more about our products